Hypnotic Sleep In Graphic

Learn How To Expand Time In Your Awareness

So A Short Amount Of Clock Time Can Seem

Like A Long, Long Time

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Scientific Work The Hypnotic Sleep-In Course Is Based On


The Hypnotic Sleep In Course Is based on the the book

"TIME DISTORTION IN HYPNOSIS, An Experimental and Clinical Investigation"



In Chapter One, This book starts off by saying that you can observe people going into a meeting, and time the meeting. Let's say it lasted 30 minutes. Afer the meeting, ask the participants how long it lasted. If they know the time it started, and the time it finished, they will give you an accurate answer. If they don't know the clock time however, they will have to guess. If it was a boring meeting, they will estimate it as having lasted 45 minutes. If it was an interesting and engaging meeting, they may estimate that it was twenty minutes.

They then describe how they used hypnotic trance combined with a metronome, going at one beat per second. They gave suggestions to the person under hypnosis that the metronome was being gradually slowed down, and reports indicated that they experienced an actual slowing down of the metronome.

The next phase of the experiment was to suggest that the person under hypnosis hallucinate an activity while the metronome was beating. The suggestion was given that the time between each beat of the metronome was one minute, whereas in reality, it was still beating once per second. The person was able to hallucinate doing ten minutes of activity, and ten seconds went by on the metronome.

In Chapter Two, they go into quite a philosophical discussion of the nature of real time, and subjective time, and the definitions of different phenomena related to time.

In Chapter Three,
they talk more in details about time related definitions, technical terms that they will then use to explain what they are doing when experimenting with hypnotic time distortion, and explain the feedback from the people participating in the study. Also the structure of the suggestions given to the volunteers. They also give examples of time distortion in every day life, such as boredom, time as experienced in dreams, hypnotic time, and the way time slows down when a person has a narrow escape.

Examples of time distortion in every day life, incude events such as boredom, time as experienced in dreams, hypnotic time, and the way time slows down when a person has a narrow escape.


In Chapter Four, they simply give the statistics about the demographics their volunteers came from.


In Chapter Five, they gave accounts of different methods they used. Hypnotherapy with a client has to be unique for each individual, and what works well for some people won't work well for others. They used different methods for experimental reasons, for example giving suggestions of a certain amount of time, or letting the person choose the amount of time required for a specific task. There was lots of permutations and combinations of different types of suggestions.


In Chapter Six, they went into more detail of the method of training people in hypnotic time expansion.


In Chapter Seven, they talked briefly about the experimental basis of the book, the studies and work that the book is based on.


In Chapter Eight, they talked about the miscellaneous activities that people were able to hallucinate about while in trance, spending a lot of time doing them in their mind, while only a short amount of time on the clock went by. These activities included:

•Being at a certain place Buying various things Counseling Sewing
 Counting various objects Discussing various matters  Doing housework Shaving 
 •Doing something of the subject's choice Dreaming  Eating meals  Studying and reviewing
Free association Having one's hair cut Listening to music or poetry Swimming
Picnicking Playing games Preparing talks Thinking about various problems
Preparing meals Reciting poetry Reliving past experiences Visiting friends 
Watching games, movies, or plays Working at one's vocation    

Possible Activities You Can Perform During Hypnotic Trance Time Are Only Limited By Your Imagination


In Chapter Nine, they concentrated on "counting" activities, where people under trance would count things, and they would be given ten seconds, and would count hundreds of items on average, while experiencing several minutes as having gone by. People would count things like flowers, sweets, strawberries etc.


In Chapter Ten, they experimented with playing sounds unexpectedly while people were engaging in their hallucinated activity, and then getting reports on how the sound was experienced, while time was expanded hypnotically. This varied a lot from person to person, sometimes they heard the sound as normal, sometimes it was different, and was incorporated into the hypnotic hallucination, similar to the way sounds get incorporated into dreams.


In Chapter Eleven, they did more specific experiments using the metronome.


In Chapter Twelve, they experimented with review and practice, for example reviewing something learned, or practicing musical instruments.


Successful Experiments Were Done With Things Like Learning Review, and Practising Musical Instruments In Expanded Trance Time


In Chapter Thirteen, they reported on coincidental happenings, things that people reported happening while engaged in their activity, just basically realistic details of things that can happen, go wrong or slow you down while engaged in an activity.


In Chapter Fourteen, they talk about "special enquiry", where they address some of the anticipated responses from hard scientific criticism of the data, controls used, and the fact that it's almost impossible to be objective, as hypnotic time distortion is a very subjective experience.


In Chapter Fifteen, they did word association experiments, where the Activity suggestion was given: "On hearing a word, which I shall say, you will have an experience." Then they'd say a random word, the person would have an experience, and describe what they hallucinated. There were some unusual and bizarre experiences reported!


In Chapter Sixteen, they discuss the quality of thought that people were able to have during hypnotic time expansion, for example, people were given something to think about, and to report on it afterwards. They were given ten seconds of clock time, and it was suggested that they would have ten minutes to think about it, for example people were asked to prepare a talk they were going to give, and after the ten seconds, a lot of people were able to give a very comprehensive account of their thoughts.


The quality of dramatically speeded up thought was found to be of a very high quality


In Chapter Seventeen, they elaborated on creative mental activity, for example designing things in a much shorter period of clock time.


In Chapter Eighteen, they expanded on "motor learning", for example a violinist who used this method to practice the violin in her imagination, practicing the finger spots over and over again, which did actually help her in reality.


In Chapter Nineteen, they talked about "non motor learning", for example learning poetry or stage rehearsal.


In Chapter Twenty, they experimented with mathematical work, comparing working in reality, with imagining working on things in their imagination in a short period of clock time.


Polygraph Tests Were Done On People Who Reported Having Real Experiences Of Their Hallucinated Activities, And They Were Found To Be Telling The Truth.


In Chapter Twenty One, they did polygraphs tests on people as to whether their hallucinated experiences were real, and the conclusion was that they were.


In Chapter Twenty Two, they had a complex, scientific discussion of the nature of experience and time, and the semantic nature of suggestion.


In Chapter Twenty Three, they gave their conclusions.


In Part Two of the book they talk about the Clinical and Therapeutic Applications of Time Distortion, with several case examples of psychotherapy and psychiatry utilizing time distortion.


In Part Three of the book they talk about further considerations about time distortion, for example applications of time condensing as opposed to time expansion, mostly as an application for unpleasant experiences like pain, or for psychiatric examples, e.g. if a person’s depression had a positive intention in helping them to cope, and the depression tended to last for a week, they could have the depression in five minutes of clock time, and unconsciously experience it as a week long. Then they could have an conscious amnesia for the experience. So the unconscious positive intention of the depression could be experienced, with none of the conscious side effects.



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